Convention 2025: The Pursuit of Meaning!
Exploring how Ecclesiastes gives purpose to life and shows us our eternal meaning.
We live in a contradictory world. Christian virtues are demanded of and signaled by everyone, yet as Christians we are so often opposed and condemned. Social media opens the door to feverish expressions of passion, but also to consumerist apathy. Personal choices and changes are celebrated, but also outlawed.
And it doesn’t take long for these contradictions to make us throw up our hands and ask, ‘What’s the point?’ ‘Is there anything of substance out there?’ ‘Is there any meaning?’
Enter the book of Ecclesiastes… It reminds us that meaning can’t be found in pleasure, money or work. Even wisdom falls short. When we chase after relationship fulfilment, generous salaries or ladder-climbing careers, it’s like chasing after the wind – it can leave us empty and hollow. At Convention 2025, we will be exploring this book, to see where we can find meaning and purpose in this meaningless world. We will see that the Creator who made us and the Redeemer who saves us is the only source of purpose in our lives.
If there is any meaning to be found, it will only be in the Creator who made you and the Redeemer who saves you.
So, join us at Convention in 2025, to rediscover the joy of meaning and purpose in a time of increasing meaninglessness. See you there!
Keynote Speaker:
Steve McAlpine is a writer and speaker who has pastored and planted churches in Australia for almost three decades. He works as a consultant helping churches
and Christian schools navigate a complex and often hostile secular culture with gospel intent. His latest book “Futureproof: How to Live For Jesus In a Culture That Keeps on Changing” explores how the church of Jesus can be a beacon of truth, and a haven of safety for an anxious culture. Steve is married to Jill and they have two children.
Key Information you need to know!
Camp Clayton, Tasmania.
6th to 11th of January 2025
Convention is for anyone aged 16-28. To work alongside the spiritual growth of our Young Adults, the Convention Planning Committee has agreed to a strict age policy. If you have any further questions and information regarding the age policy, please email admin@crcaconvention.au.
Transport options:
The shuttle buses will be departing Launceston Airport at 3:30pm & 5:00pm on the 6th of January, 2025. The returning shuttle buses will be departing Camp Clayton at 1:00pm on the 11th of January, 2025. The estimated and earliest time for the first shuttle to arrive at Launceston Airport in 2:30pm. Please keep this times in mind when you are booking flights or arranging travel plans. Closer to Convention, you will be asked to reserve a seat of one on the shuttle buses in relation to your flight details and travel plans. Transport will also be available from both the Devonport Airport and the Spirit upon request.
Costs – The same as Convention 2023!!!
$525 Early bird (expires 30th June)
$575 Full price (regos close 30th November)
What’s included:
The cost of Convention includes 5 nights of accommodation at Camp Clayton and all meals during the Convention times. This cost also goes towards our guest speakers and panelists that will be presenting throughout the week as well as some fun activities. We will share more on this soon!
What is this Convention everyone speaks of?
Convention exists to bring together the young adults of the CRCA for a week in God’s Word, Worship, and community. With a focus on personal discipleship, Convention serves as a ‘spiritual reset’ for the year ahead. We seek to be a support for the local church in raising up young people who will be lifelong, disciple making disciples of Jesus. Convention 2025 will consist of plenty of time opening God’s word, worshipping together, hanging out at the village, making memories with likeminded people, some fun activities and a week to grow in your faith.
What is Convention like?
We are aware not everyone will be aware of what Convention is like. Below you will see all the previous session recordings and elective workshop recordings for you to get a taste of Convention’s teaching and training opportunities. Stay tuned for more info!
Previous Session Recordings
In Jesus, In life (audio)
In Jesus, In the Church (audio)
In Jesus, in the Holy Spirit (audio)
In Jesus, In the World (audio)
Previous Elective Recordings
Phillip Scheepers – Am I called to vocational ministry or mission?
Mike Raiter – How to deal with weird stuff in Scripture
Emily Maurits – Love thy body
Juhan Klooster – Reading the Bible one-to-one
Dave Groenenboom – Slavery still exists – should I care?
Colin Grant and Heather Sitepu – Care for the hurting, grieveed and abused
Craig Verdouw – Conversations with unbelievers
Chris Gilbert – Imaging Jesus in a digital age
Dan Kroon – Consume, Condemn or Cosider (Pop Culture)
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact us by emailing admin@crcaconvention.au or hit us up on one of our socials!